Cheap flights to Johannesburg

Lowest airfare searched
£ 497.47
Cheapest ticket searched for Johannesburg during April 2024
Cheap Flight to Johannesburg With Kenya Airways
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Cheap one-way & return flights to Johannesburg from London

4 out of 10 South Africans prefer to book flights with Travelhouseuk
return Deal found: 04/26
Saudi Arabian Airlines
Saudi Arabian Airlines
LON - JNB London to Johannesburg
30 Apr - 04 May Travelling Dates
£ 497.47
return Deal found: 04/19
LHR - JNB Heathrow to Johannesburg
03 May - 18 May Travelling Dates
£ 591.01
return Deal found: 04/18
Kenya Airways
Kenya Airways
LON - JNB London to Johannesburg
02 May - 06 May Travelling Dates
£ 595.41
return Deal found: 04/26
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines
MAN - JNB Manchester to Johannesburg
07 May - 15 May Travelling Dates
£ 628.38
return Deal found: 04/18
Virgin Atlantic
Virgin Atlantic
LON - JNB London to Johannesburg
02 May - 06 May Travelling Dates
£ 667.51
return Deal found: 04/18
Air Mauritius
Air Mauritius
LON - JNB London to Johannesburg
02 May - 06 May Travelling Dates
£ 750.87
return Deal found: 04/26
LON - JNB London to Johannesburg
02 May - 06 May Travelling Dates
£ 761.91
return Deal found: 04/16
LHR - JNB Heathrow to Johannesburg
03 May - 17 May Travelling Dates
£ 779.14
return Deal found: 04/17
LHR - JNB Heathrow to Johannesburg
03 May - 17 May Travelling Dates
£ 788.88

Flights from Johannesburg to London

Qatar Airways
JNB - LON Johannesburg to London
18 Aug 2024 Travel Between Date
JNB - LHR Johannesburg to Heathrow
29 Apr - 10 May Travel Between Date
JNB - LON Johannesburg to London
29 Apr - 11 May Travel Between Date
JNB - LHR Johannesburg to Heathrow
04 Jun - 25 Jun Travel Between Date
JNB - LON Johannesburg to London
15 May - 16 Jun Travel Between Date

When is the best time to book cheapest flights to Johannesburg?

The cheapest time to fly to Johannesburg is either May or November. The crowds are less to make the most out of the situation by booking a cheap flight to Johannesburg. Flights, as well as accommodation options, are also easy on the pocket. Don’t just wait for the prices to go down further; flight prices will rarely drop when it is closer to departure.

Airlines that operate flights to Johannesburg from London

  • British Airways
  • South African Airways
  • Emirates via Dubai
  • KLM
  • Virgin Atlantic
  • Turkish Airlines
  • Lufthansa
  • Kenya Airways
  • Ethiopian Airlines

Which airlines operate direct flights to Johannesburg?

South African Airways, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic operate direct flights from Heathrow to Johannesburg.

Which airlines offer cheap flights to Johannesburg in April 2024 with flexible rebooking options?

Some airlines like British Airways, Emirates, KLM and Virgin Atlantic offer cheap flights to Johannesburg with flexible rebooking options, which entitle you to change your flight date with minimal or no fee. Also, you can modify booking details like departure time and departure/arrival airport within the same booking. However, each airline has its policies subject to specific terms and conditions. Please seek assistance from our travel agents to know which flexible booking options are available..

Why choose travelhouseuk to book your flight to Johannesburg?

  • We provide flights to more than 28000 regular travellers flying from the UK to Johannesburg throughout the year.
  • We offer the best deals on direct flights to Jo'burg flying with British Airways, SAA & Virgin Atlantic.
  • Find several in-direct flight options available for Johannesburg from the UK.
  • Even if you are looking for a one-way flight to Johannesburg, we have the best deals available.
  • Whichever UK airport you plan on flying from, we will offer you the best flight price.
  • Planning to visit home for Christmas? Go for our bargain Christmas deals for JNB.
  • Book from a variety of exclusive deals to Jo'burg, saving money on flights.
  • Send us a flight quote for Johannesburg that you have already searched for on the internet, and we will try our best to beat your quote.
  • You can book your Johannesburg flights with a £25 deposit paying the rest later.
  • Waiting till the last few days before departure to book last minute flights to Johannesburg are a gamble, as they tend to be expensive more than often. However, Travelhouseuk specializes in producing last minute flights by keeping track of last-minute cancellations.

How long is the flight to Johannesburg?

  • Flights to Johannesburg with British Airways from London Heathrow (LHR-JNB): 11 hours and 5 minutes.
  • Flights from London Heathrow to Johannesburg with Air France (LHR-CDG-JNB): 13 hours and 25 minutes.
  • Qatar Airways flights from London Gatwick to Johannesburg (LGW-DOH-JNB): 16 hours and 10 minutes.
  • Lufthansa flights from Edinburgh to Johannesburg (EDI-FRA-JNB): 13 hours and 25 minutes.
  • Air France Flights from Birmingham to Johannesburg (BHX-CDG-JNB): 13 hours and 15 minutes.

Can I book flights from Johannesburg to London with Travelhouseuk?

Surely you can book flights from Johannesburg as well as other destinations from South Africa to any airport in United Kingdom ,either its any London airport or Edinburgh in Scotland. we are just one phone call away .

British Airways flight schedule for Johannesburg from London Heathrow

British Airways flies non-stop from London Heathrow to Johannesburg with a frequency of seven weekly flights.

Where to look if I need a flight to Johannesburg from London?

If you are looking for flights to Joburg, look no further than Travelhouseuk. We proudly cater to the South African Community in London. We publish average fares with different airlines on the website, which are subject to seasonal changes. We announce deals with popular airlines to fulfil the need of the clients now and then. Our Fly Now Pay Later Programs for Johannesburg entertain the budget travellers to spread the cost of their flight expense.

Join us on Instagram and Facebook to get a hand on Flash Flight Deals instantly.

Which airline offers the cheapest flights from the UK to Johannesburg?

The flight prices to Jo’burg keep on fluctuating. Kenya Airways is the major airline for the cheapest flight to JNB from the UK. Other airlines also compete to keep the prices low for Johannesburg flights from London. Prices can hike up to thousands of pounds, but if you manage to score somewhere between 399 GBP. Then, it’s considered to be a good deal.

Where can I find best deals on last minute flights to Johannesburg?

People recommend using flight price alert on comparison sites online, whereas travelhouseuk assigns you a dedicated travel agent to search, find and reserve the best deals on last minute flights to Johannesburg. Sign up for the deals if you often end up searching for cheap flights tickets at the last minute, and get cheap flight deals right into your inbox.

How can I choose the best flight option to Johannesburg from London?

Other than flight prices, the baggage allowance is a significant factor to consider before you book your flight with an airline. As of now, Turkish Airlines, Kenya Airways, Ethiopian Airlines and Egypt Air offers 46 kg baggage allowance to fulfil the luggage needs of travellers to SA.

Our customers have placed their trust in us for the best value flights. So, we offer alternatives depending upon the individual needs for affordable flights to Johannesburg.

How far in advance should I book my flight to Johannesburg?

Our clients rely on us and inquire about their exclusive flights even months before the flight date. Travellers are advised in their interest to book their flights 2-3 months before their expected departure. Prices skyrocket once the flight nears its date of departure. At the very least, travellers should make their reservation 14 days before the flight because seats are rarely available at the last minute.

When is the best time to visit Johannesburg?

The best time to book flights for Johannesburg depends on what kind of activities you want to do. Johannesburg's seasons run opposite to ours, so Christmas is in the summers. If you are interested in being a part of wildlife safaris, the summer season is the best time to visit. The vegetation is thick and green due to summer rain. Also, as UK holidays are during these months, it is the peak season for visiting Johannesburg.

If you want to avoid crowds, then months from August to October are recommended. For whale watching, you have to book flights between June to December as for surfing, months from April to September are best. You can cut your travelling cost by booking in advance.

Flights and flight-inclusive holidays on this website are financially protected by the ATOL scheme. However some are not and at time of booking you confirm what protection is applicable. This website is a part of Moresand Ltd (registration no. 02114691) T/A Travelhouseuk registered in England and wales . Office , 10-11 Percy St, Fitzrovia, London W1T 1DN. All bookings protected under the ATOL scheme will receive an ATOL certificate. In cases where a part payment is made that flight booking is ATOL protected. In some cases a certificate does not indicate all the trip segments - this means the omitted parts are not ATOL protected). Please refer to our booking conditions for further information please visit