Kafue National Park is declared to be the greatest park of Zambia and also the second largest of Africa which is a haven for almost 55 distinctive breeds of wildlife and it highly tempts the adventurous and enthusiastic visitors to take flights to Lusaka and spend the most astonishing and enticing time of their lives. The park is named after the River Kafue which extends to the outer limits of three provinces in the southern, central and north-western side. It was opened for public in 1924 and with the passage of time; the park earned a lot of fame as an amazing and fascinating sanctuary of animals and birds.
The park probably possesses the greatest diversity of animals than any other part of Africa and with the increment in the number of lodges and Safari camps; it has grabbed the attention of many visitors from all over the world. The major portion of the park is dominated by ‘Miombo woodland’ which consists of the trees of Julbernardia and Brachystegia and contains the bark which is fire-resistant. The whole area is speckled with trees having termite mounds and such locations serve as the habitat for Thrushes, Chats and warthogs. Some areas have abundant termite growths, which have developed over a long period of time in several cliffs which also comprise the Jackleberry and Euphorbia Candelabra trees.

Don’t forget to visit the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the area which are The Busanga Plains and which are a wide flood stretch and remains submerged under the rainwater for almost the whole year. Large flocks of buffaloes and also the herds of Billed storks can be seen here who survive by eating the invertebrates and snails that live in these water lagoons. Besides the rare Wattled cranes and crowned cranes stroll here and there in the grassland in search of beetles and insects. The plains are very popular for Busanga prides and lions which can be spotted only in specific areas and with the help of a professional guide.
Towards the southern side of Kafue, there lies the Itezhi Tezhi Dam, which covers the land area of about 370 square kilometres. The place is dotted with a number of submerged trees and grassy lands which offer shelter to many stately goliath Heron, spoonbills, cormorants, fish eagles and also wildebeest, zebra, buffalo and Elephants are scattered around the dam. Kafue National Park is regarded as the best place of Africa where you can spot a number of leopards, especially during the night safaris. You may also get an opportunity to see Cheetah in the northern side of Busanga plains and southern part of Nanzhilla Plains.
It also serves as a home of rare and endangered species of antelopes such as Eland, Defassa Waterbuck, Sitatunga, Blue Wildebeest, Puku, Sable, Roan, Liechtenstein’s Hartebeest and Red Lechwe. The place has a number of luxurious resorts which provide a comfortable and relaxing environment to travellers; amongst them, the well-known are Lufupa Tented Camp, Kapinga Camp, Shumba Camp and Busanga Bush Camp. So you must head towards this charming National Park, once in your lifetime.
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