In an outstanding response to efforts by British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), British global travellers have shown a remarkable increase in opting to have Germany as their vacation destination. An estimated 8% growth has been observed until now over 2013.
BBC has introduced multiple programs focused upon German culture, heritage and lifestyle lately. The program “Das Auto: The Germans, Their Cars and Us” aims upon Germans being the pioneers of the global automobile industry, and how it spread over the years. Another one, which goes by the name of ‘Make me a German’, gives an inside view of German social norms and family lifestyle, with a British family involved in settling in Nuremberg. German culinary specialties have also been brought in the limelight.
Typically, Germany’s European counterparts like France and Spain retain the lion’s share of retaining the tourist market within the region. All these countries are located very near geographically; the competition stays consistent, with Spain hosting regular events and France being a very popular country for its architecture as well as specialized heritage. France gathers 17 million, followed by Spain attending to 11 million passengers from the UK each year. Germany’s count remains dwarfed at just 2 million passengers per year from the UK.
Berlin, Munich and Hamburg are the three main cities attracting regular traffic of tourists. Frankfurt is the financial capital while Berlin is one of the cosmopolitan giants of Europe. Cologne, Stuttgart and Dusseldorf are other major destinations for exploring the scenic countryside along with the cultural appeal of Germany. The Baltic sea to the north forms an entire coastal belt with barren beaches as well as a couple of islands. Overall, Bavaria has its valleys and lakes attracting the most number of visitors, domestic and international combined. The Bavarian Alps become the subject of all the extreme winter sports like sledging, skiing and snowboarding.
Apart from the role played by media, the destinations in Germany suffice economical budgets for a European holiday. Major aviation hubs serve for stopovers for numerous intercontinental flights, paving the path for budget deals within shorter flight durations. And then there is security, a matter which has seen growing concern for combating terrorism worldwide. Germany is ranked among the safest places to visit under international rankings.
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